Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Creating Change

One of the first steps necessary to bring about change is to acknowledge where you are in the present moment, and what you have in the here and now. This may mean having to take stock of the things that tend to ‘anchor’ us in our current habits. These anchors may be positive or negative and they may occur in both our private and our professional lives but they are the things in our life that ‘keep us doing what we keep on doing’.

In order to bring about change we may need to take the following steps:

1 Become aware of the ‘anchors’ that support our current habits;
2 Create the new habit which we want to learn;
3 Make new anchors to support the new habit.

Remember, habits are something which we have created! As such they are something which we have the power to dismantle. It is a matter of remembering that we are stronger and more powerful than the habit itself. Once we acknowledge that and accept that as true then we can create the change we seek.

Sometimes the hardest part is to work out what it is that anchors us to our habits. Anchors may be visual, auditory, kinaesthetic or even olfactory (it's why the smell of fresh coffee makes you want to buy a cup). Once we take the time to figure out the anchor, we can take the time to create a new one, change old habits and bring about real and lasting change in our lives.

Martin Dominick from K9 Centre.com assures me that an old dog CAN be taught new tricks and I have to agree!

